Originally Posted 2016-03-05 Where were we…. Alright, we added a Customer! So long as that went well, we’ll get a response from the call to add or update. The response carries a SOAP response full of information. So long as it went well, you can get the internalId of the object you created or updated.
Originally Published 2016-01-13 Alright, so we got the data we need out of NetSuite to create an order form. Those pieces of data are Items, Price Levels, and Billing Schedules. Throw a couple radio buttons down, ask for a Credit Card number, and we’re done! Well, so we thought. First, you’ll notice some interesting behavior when
Originally Published 2015-12-28 So, I’m taking our current checkout system and building it out in NetSuite. We are currently using InfusionSoft, which has a pretty decent checkout system built in. It has some issues that I don’t like, however. Foremost, it requires you to use a page on their server to do a checkout, so
Originally Published 2015-12-16 When I first started at my company about 18 months ago, I was first tasked with finding a replacement for InfusionSoft. For those that have never heard of it, InfusionSoft is a financial CRM for small to medium sized businesses. It handles things like lead generation, affiliate programs, checkout systems, email marketing,